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Monday, October 27, 2014

Blog Post #9 - Binary

1. What is the highest level you got to. No shame here, and no pressure either.
I made it up to level 5!

2. What is the hardest part of the binary game?
I found it hard to quickly add up the high numbers in my head and figure out which set of numbers to use to equal a certain number.

3. Do you like using binary numbers to count with?
Yes, they make on and off make more sense

4. How could you use your 5 fingers to count with?
You can double each previous number on your fingers.  On the left hand the thumb is one, pointer finger in 2, middle finger is 4, ring finger is eight, and the pinky is sixteen.  You can use your fingers the same way the dotted cards are used, but instead of flipping the cards, you can hold your finger up or down.  If the finger is up the number on and if the finger is down the switch is off.

5. Can you make a connection with how the binary system is used with computers? Explain.
It is how numbers and letters are stored inside the keyboard, whenever you press a button, a series of ones and zeros sends off a message to tell the computer what to use.

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